The community for marketing professionals in the South West

About Building Brands

Building Brands 2022

How Building Brands started

Building Brands was born out of the need for a community to represent and bring together marketing professionals living and working in the South West. Across the region, we have some superb agencies, some very talented in-house marketing people, and some outstanding freelancers. But none of them had the opportunity to meet, talk, and potentially collaborate on work.

Until May 2022, there were also very few independent marketing events in the region. However, our Building Brands Live events have since become a cornerstone, for the community, offering a platform for marketers to connect, share insights, and celebrate the wealth of expertise in the area. They also provide an invaluable opportunity for learning from truly brilliant people and highly experienced marketing leaders.

What’s on offer?

  • Newsletters & White Papers

    Newsletters & White Papers

    Every other week, members receive a packed email newsletter, filled with articles, news, mental health tips, links to marketing resources and the top podcasts, events across the region, and links to marketing jobs available across the area. Members will also be sent a marketing-related white paper, written locally, each month.

  • Building Brands Events


    The most high-profile of our events are our Building Brands Live conferences. In 2024 we’ll be delivering Building Brands Live in Cornwall, Plymouth, Somerset, Bristol and Exeter, a pretty significant growth in the number of events!

    We also run free monthly coworking events in Plymouth and Exeter, and in 2024, members will be invited to dinners, meetups, social events, and a Christmas function too!

  • Training Masterclasses

    Training Masterclasses

    We don’t just want members to hear brilliant marketing experts talk at our Building Brands events. We want to give you the chance to learn from them too! So we’re busy putting together a range of accredited training days, delivered by some of our best and most popular speakers from Building Brands conferences over the last couple of years.

  • Resources, blogs and mental health support

    Resources, blogs and mental health support

    Access to leading marketing podcasts, articles, blog posts, and mental health support are all vitally important to marketers. We’ve also introduced a Slack community for members to use and connect with others. We want to give you access to the best of the best. Check out our resources page by following the link below and put some of the resources to use!

Join over 1500 marketing professionals and be part of a like-minded community!

Who’s behind Building Brands?

Building Brands was established in 2020 and it’s grown and grown ever since. Our conferences are hugely successful - the biggest marketing events in the South West - and the community also benefits from other events, a newsletter, whitepapers and a full masterclass training scheme ! Find out a little more about the people behind Building Brands below!

  • Dave Briggs

    Dave Briggs

    Founder of Building Brands

    Dave established Building Brands in 2020 and has now grown the community to over 900 members.

    At the same time as running Building Brands, Dave works as Marketing Manager at Nash & Co Solicitors in Plymouth.

    It’s vitally important to Dave that price is never a barrier to anyone getting involved and attending a Building Brands event., and while they’re there, that they get as much benefit from it as possible. He also spends a lot of time working on the Building Brands newsletter, whitepapers and masterclasses.

  • Chris Bentley

    Chris Bentley

    Business Development Director and Event Host

    Chris likes to call himself the ‘first follower’ having backed Dave from the inaugural event but he is a lot more than that. As our event host, he provides his very own ‘social lubrication’ to ensure all of our delegates have a fantastic day.

    Additionally, he takes the lead on business development where he’s the first port of call for our sponsorship network. Chris works hard to ensure our commercial partners have an equally enjoyable experience with us. You normally hear him before you see him, which is quite a thing as he’ as big as a tree! 

  • Jon Payne, a bald white dude with glasses and a beard

    Jon Payne

    Marketing Director

    Jon Payne is an independent business consultant. He mentors marketing and sales teams that are out of step, unleashing their profit potential through creativity, process and automation. He’s run his own businesses for the last 30 years, the last of which was Noisy Little Monkey (a hugely respected SEO and HubSpot agency) which he sold in 2023. Jon has consulted for the likes of RedBull, Specsavers, Yeo Valley, Aardman and thousands of brilliant B2B companies you’ve never heard of. He’s also lectured at Bristol University and Bath Spa University.

    Leading marketing strategy and operations for Building Brands, Jon is always looking for suggestions on how we can improve, particularly in the area of inclusivity, so please collar him at an event for a chat.

  • Maret Reutelingsperger


    Maret joined the Building Brands team in 2024 as a long time fan, bringing enthusiasm, questions for the speakers and ensuring everyone has what they need during the events. With a specialism in email and automation, she will be focusing on BB's communications.

    Maret is a self-employed inbound marketing and business consultant, who supports businesses with their use and integration of HubSpot into the business as well as larger digital projects. She's also often found on webinars and lecturing at universities. If you see her at an event, make sure to come and say "hi" - she loves it!

The Ocean Cleanup

Our environmental partner

The Ocean Cleanup’s goal is to remove 90% of plastic floating in our oceans, by 2040. They’re currently working on cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and preventing plastic from reaching the ocean via rivers. With Partners such as Societe Generale, Kia, Deloitte, and the band Coldplay, the work that The Ocean Cleanup is doing is incredibly valuable and important.

We are committed to donating money to The Ocean Cleanup from every single ticket that’s bought for our events throughout the year. We’d also like to go one step further, and organise our own beach cleans to help remove plastics and other waste, from beaches around the South West.

If you’re interested in hosting a beach clean, please get in touch!